Hello Germany
Every week i receive messages from across Europe asking about JogOn and whether people can send me shoes. Today I am delighted to announce our expansion into the first European country. Welcome GERMANY! Let's do this!
With special thanks to our partner

ZigZag is proud to partner with JOGON to support this fantastic campaign to recycle the world’s sports shoes.
Here is what you need to do:
Runners from anywhere in Germany can now send us their unwanted running shoes. Wether you bought the wrong size or simply have too many pairs, you can send them us rather than putting them in a bin. Every year millions of pair of running shoes end up in landfill where they remain for up to 1,000 years before they fully degrade. - so let's do something about that.
What we accept:
Great running shoes - You bought the wrong size, or the shoe support does not work for you. But they will be useful for someone else around the world.
Good running shoes - shoes that are in good condition and someone else in the world could put them to use.
Lightly damaged or totally worn out - These we want too! - we dont want them to go into landfill. So send then to us and we will dispose of them properly.
What does it cost?
Anyone in Germany can send us their unwanted running shoes. Regrettably, it does cost. There are two price points. Any weight up to 4kg will cost €10 anything between 4kg and 15kg cost €20.
Retailers, brands and /or national partners please get in contact to discuss if you have any large consignment of unsold running shoes or test runs or returns.
Let's do this! - We can't change the world all at once, but we can take incremental steps towards a better future for our planet.